The Light We Leave Behind – A Research Project
Adventure is an exciting experience into the unknown that’s typically bold, sometimes risky but ultimately rewarding…

At Michael Grubb Studio we are excited to be embarking on a collaborative project with leading UK charity Change Grow Live and Manchester University, leader in higher educational research, to evaluate the impact of light in the spaces that the charity uses to support those who desperately need help.
Henry Playfoot, Director at Pitch Doctor, had the idea. “I’m fascinated by how lighting can help express values and culture because the tone of a space ultimately influences feelings, behaviours and experience.”
Change Grow Live supports children, young people and families who live with issues ranging from emotional and mental health needs, lack of family or parental support, problems with drugs and alcohol and involvement in other risky behaviours.
It operates as an evidence-based organisation meaning that data, research and analysis are integral to success. Last year they provided support for 211,000 people on their recovery journey.
So why are we doing this?
Lighting awards, staying on budget, meeting deadlines and happy clients are all superficial indicators that things have hopefully gone ‘well.’ However, successful lighting is subjective and how you determine it depends on what’s of particular importance to you. As lighting designers, the lights stay on long after we’ve left the building, but we don’t always have the chance to understand the impact our lighting has upon the very people it’s been designed for.
Prun Bijral is Medical Director at Change Grow Live, “We are excited to be working in collaboration with Michael Grubb Studio, to explore the impact of lighting on the therapeutic environment for our service users and the people dedicated to support them.”
So why are we telling you this now?
We want to share the journey from the outset, not just the findings at the end of the study. Our intention being to provide an insight into the processes and people involved as we begin this adventure.
We will keep you posted…